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Discover the Metamorphosis Collection And Its Unique Coffee Table

Today we are presenting the Metamorphosis Collection by Boca Do Lobo which include a unique Coffee Table and other pieces of furniture that inspire its lovers for new challenges and transformation.


The unique metamorphosis Side Table from Boca Do Lobo is a wonderful transformation and also a challenge to contemporary design.

Discover the Metamorphosis Collection And Its Unique Coffee Table

The enormous success of the Metamorphosis Series gave birth yet to another unique creation – Metamorphosis Center Table.

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The Metamorphosis Unique Coffee Table is a practical and luxurious design solution for your room design either it will be a living room or sitting room this table will fit your luxurious interior.

The combination of Polished Brass with high gloss varnish is awesome at creating the illusion of space and making a room appear larger and airier than it actually is.

The Unique Coffee Table is a piece of luxury that every designer and professional should have in its room design.


See also: A Modern Coffee Table Inspired By Domino Boxes


The dining table is demonstrating the evolutionary history of life, representing the last stage of the cycle through the usage of sculpted fossils at the top of the table.

unique coffee table

Metamorphosis Dining Table‘s surface is made of walnut root veneer and includes special textured details that represent a fossil.

The Convex Metamorphosis Mirror is made from brass. Its concave shape is achieved through the manual hammering of a brass sheet, coated in a nickel bath. This mirror will be a perfect element of your new living room decor ideas.



Diamond Metamorphosis, the alteration in physical build commonly associated with insects, meets a Boca do Lobo classic. An extraordinary design of this sideboard creates a fabulous image of the luxurious taste of its owner.

However, the entire attention today goes the New Contemporary Metamorphosis and its Unique Coffe Table from Boca Do Lobo, that is ready to inspire you for new challenges and transformation.



Check also: Black Coffee Tables That Give A Sophisticated Look To Your Room

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